Perioperative Medication Safety

Product Details
Product ID: 1994
Year Produced: 2019
Length: 26 min.
Contact Us: 1-800-253-7657

After completing this study guide and the accompanying video, the perioperative registered nurse (RN) and other perioperative team members will have increased their knowledge of interventions to improve patient safety and minimize the risk of medication-related errors throughout all phases of medication use in the perioperative setting.

After completing the study guide and viewing the video, the participant will be able to:

  • Take precautions to minimize errors during prescription and ordering of medications
  • Safely prepare medications
  • Administer medications during the perioperative period
  • Transfer medications to the sterile field
  • Mitigate medication-related errors during transitions of care
  • Provide patient education related to safe use of medications
  • Safely handle hazardous medications