Minimally Invasive Surgery: Creating A Safe Patient Care Environment

Product Details
Product ID: 1989
Year Produced: 2018
Length: 24 min.
Contact Us: 1-800-253-7657

After completing this study guide and viewing the accompanying video, the perioperative RN will have increased his or her knowledge of nursing interventions to create a safe environment of care and improve outcomes and satisfaction for patients undergoing minimally invasive surgery (MIS).

After completing the study guide and viewing the video, perioperative RNs and other team members will have increased their knowledge of:

  • Configuring the minimally invasive surgical OR to minimize the risks to patients and perioperative team members
  • The perioperative RN’s role in managing insufflation gases and fluids for distention and irrigation
  • Minimizing the risks of adverse events from energy-generating devices during MIS
  • Optimizing safety during robotic-assisted surgery
  • Hazards and safety protocols related to intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and hybrid ORs