Stop Smoking in the OR! Surgical Smoke Safety

Product Details
Product ID: 1991
Year Produced: 2018
Length: 18 min.
Contact Us: 1-800-253-7657

After completing this study guide and the accompanying video, the perioperative RN and other perioperative team members will have greater knowledge of surgical smoke safety precautions and how to facilitate the establishment of a smoke-free working environment.

After viewing the video and completing the study guide, the participant will be able to:

  • Recognize the hazards of surgical smoke
  • Describe the contents of surgical smoke
  • Use the Occupational Safety and Health Administration hierarchy of controls to establish practices that reduce the perioperative team's exposure to surgical smoke
  • Select appropriate smoke evacuation equipment
  • Establish work practices to evacuate all surgical smoke
  • Overcome the barriers to establishing a smoke-free perioperative environment
  • Implement policies and procedures to help ensure compliance with work practices related to surgical smoke safety