Textbook of Simulation: Skills & Team Training

Shawn T. Tsuda; Daniel J. Scott; Daniel B. Jones

Product Details
Product ID: SIM100
Year Produced: 2012
Pages: 864
Dimensions: 9x11.5 in
ISBN: 978-0-9846171-0-4

This book is ideal for teams developing simulation labs but is also a great resource for existing labs. An excellent review of current technology and its application to curricula in the skills lab. There is also a comprehensive section on use of simulators in specialty training applications such as colorectal, pediatrics, trauma, and more.

The Textbook of Simulation: Skills and Team Training book was created out of a need gap identified by the Association for Surgical Education Committee on Simulation, for a resource that provided information on the types of simulation technology available, the role of simulators in surgical education, and establishing skills training centers. The book also provides background on the ACS / APDS Surgical Skills Curriculum for Residents.

    Theory, Learning, & Assessment

  1. The History of Simulation
  2. Methods of Assessment
  3. Learning Theory
  4. Mentoring
  5. Study Design and Obstacles in Skills Training
  6. Psychometric assessment in Team Training
  7. Validity and Reliability
  8. Cognitive Task Analysis
  9. Global Rating Scales
  10. Transferability of Training to Clinical Environments
  11. The Economics of Skills and Simulation Training
  12. Models & Simulators

  13. Partial Task Training
  14. Simulation of open Surgical Skills
  15. The Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS)
  16. Procedure-Specific Simulators
  17. Endoscopy Simulation
  18. Simulator/Simulation Design: Theoretical Concept
  19. Virtual Reality in Medical Education
  20. Virtual Reality-based Surgical Trainers
  21. Haptics
  22. Fundamentals of Endoscopic Surgery (FES)
  23. Virtual Reality Simulators
  24. Model Fabrication
  25. Robotic Simulators
  26. Endovascular Simulators
  27. Virtual Reality Curricula
  28. The SCORE Curriculum
  29. Hybrid Trainers
  30. Simulation

  31. High-fidelity Simulation: The Mock Operating Room
  32. Computer-based Simulation
  33. Simulation for medical Students
  34. Using Simulation for Disclosure of Bad News
  35. Simulation Mannequins
  36. Simulation to Teach Clinical Ethics and Professionalism
  37. Telesimulation
  38. Team Training at the Point of Care
  39. Training Surgical Simulation Debriefers
  40. Skills and Simulation Curricula
  41. The ACS-APDS National Surgical Skills Curriculum
  42. National Surgical Skills Curriculum: Phase I
  43. National Surgical Skills Curriculum: Phase II
  44. National Surgical Skills Curriculum: Phase III
  45. Establishing A Simulation Center

  46. ACS Accreditation of Education Institutes
  47. Simulation Accreditation: American Society of Anesthesiologists
  48. Web and media Technology
  49. Simulation Center Administration
  50. Funding for Simulation Centers and Simulation Research
  51. Facility Design
  52. Financial management of a Simulation Center
  53. Specialty Training Applications

  54. Anesthesia
  55. Cardiac Surgery
  56. Colorectal Surgery
  57. Emergency medical Technician, Veterinarian, and Community use of the Simulation Skills Center
  58. Emergency Medicine
  59. Internal Medicine
  60. Military
  61. Nursing Curriculum
  62. Obstetrics and Gynecology
  63. Pediatric Simulation
  64. Plastic Surgery
  65. Pulmonary and Thoracic Simulation
  66. Trauma
  67. Urology
  68. Vascular Surgery
  69. The Future of Surgical Simulation