Everting Stapled Closure of the Bronchus Pulmonary Vessels and Parenchyma in Pulmonary Lobectomies and Parenchymal Resections

Felicien M. Steichen

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-1714
Year Produced: 1991
Length: 45 min.

The everting mucosa-to-mucosa bronchial closure (Gritsman) and the pulmonary parenchymal staple line of "economical resections" (Amosov) represent the first acceptance by surgeons in the Soviet Union and later the United States of a mucosa-to-mucosa or everting closure without serosal or reinforcing sutures. This concept was only accepted much later by most abdominal surgeons in the United States, and is still not universally practiced in Europe and the various independent Russian Republics. The history and rationale of this important concept are discussed. The operative procedures shown in this video are: left upper lobectomy includng the lingula; left upper lobectomy (proper) without the lingula; left lower lobectomy; right apical segmentectomy and completion right upper lobectomy; right middle lobectomy with bronchoplastic repair of the intermediate bronchus; and, right superior segmentectomy and completion right lower lobectomy. Various methods of parenchymal stapling and management of incomplete fissures are shown throughout the different operative procedures.