The Minority Men's Health Center: A Healthcare Resource and Mechanism to Promote Screening for Prostate Cancer in African American Men

Charles S. Modlin, Jr., MD, FACS; Carlumandarlo Zaramo, M.Sc.

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-2672
Year Produced: 2007
Length: 9 min.

African American men are 66% more likely to develop and twice as likely to die from prostate cancer as Caucasian men. African-American men have more advanced disease when diagnosed and the greatest incidence of developing prostate cancer out of any group of men in the world. The Cleveland Clinic in 2003 initiated a Minority Men's Health Center (MMHC) Healthfair offering minority men a variety of free health screenings. The MMHC specifically address the disparities regarding prostate cancer and other medical conditions in Black men and other minority and underserved men and encourages those at high risk to undergo routine screenings for prostate cancer, diabetes, and hypertension and kidney disease. The MMHC is a relatively new tool in the arsenal of physicians at the Cleveland Clinic to eliminate health disparities in minority and underserved men. We will present a video-based program to demonstrate the MMHC mechanism to eliminate health disparities. The MMHC is a relatively new tool in the arsenal of physicians at the Cleveland Clinic to eliminate health disparities in minority and underserved men. We will present a video-based program to demonstrate the MMHC mechanism to eliminate health disparities.