Combined Robotic Assisted Donor Nephrectomy and Distal Pancreatectomy

Santiago Horgan, MD; Carlos Galvani, MD; Maria Gorodner, MD; Subhashini Ayloo, MD; Jose Oberholzer, MD; Howard Sankary, MD; Fabrizio Panero, MD; Enrico Benedetti, MD

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-2524
Year Produced: 2006
Length: 14 min.

The expanding applications robotic surgery have made possible the most complex surgical procedures. Herein we present our first combined hand-assisted robotic-assisted kidney-pancreas donation. Patients; 19 year old, otherwise healthy, female who volunteered for living related kidney and pancreas donation for her husband. Her preoperative workup demonstrated excellent endocrine function and normal renal function. Her husband is a 35 year old Hispanic male with 15 years history of type 1 diabetes, leading to renal failure. The patient had an unremarkable pre-transplant workup. The donor had uneventful postoperative recovery, with normal renal function. She was discharged PO# 5. In the recipient the kidney graft function was immediate, with a normalization of serum creatinine within 48 hours. Patient developed mild pancreatitis & was given Depot Octreotide IM prior to discharge. Robotic-assisted donor nephrectomy and distal pancreatectomy are a safe and efficient procedures.