Gunshot to The Left Flank: Laparoscopic Exploration and Retrieval of a Bullet

Ibrahim Taha, MD, CABS, MRCS; Husham Abdelrahman, MD, CABS, FRCSI; Sandro Rizoli, MD, PhD, FRCSC, FACS; Hassan Al Thani, MD, FACS, MBA, MBBch, CABS, FRCSI/C

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-5937
Year Produced: 2019
Length: 3 min.

We present a case of multiple gunshot wounds to the face, limbs and left flank. The patient was hemodynamically stable with no peritoneal signs and no active bleeding. CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis showed the bullet in close proximity to the descending colon but with no clear injury to the bowel. In order not to miss a bowel injury, we opted for laparoscopic exploration, which avoids an unnecessary laparotomy and provides less postoperative pain, better cosmetics and faster recovery. Although not the primary objective of the surgery, the area where the bullet was lodged was encountered and so the bullet was extracted outside through the laparoscopy port wound. The surgery was uneventful.