Laparoscopic Repair of Traumatic Flank Hernia with Bone Anchor Fixation

Alfredo Carbonell, DO, FACS; William S. Cobb, MD, FACS; Benjamin M. Manning, MD, FACS

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-2748
Year Produced: 2008
Length: 8 min.

Introduction: Traumatic flank hernias may be associated with other injuries precluding a prosthetic repair at the time of the index accident. Laparoscopic repair of flank hernias is a viable option, but may require the use of bone anchor prosthetic fixation to ensure a durable repair.

Methods: A 45 year old female patient involved in a high-speed motor vehicle collision sustained a traumatic right flank hernia, devitalizing injury of the right colon, and a Morel-Lavalle lesion from soft tissue avulsion of the subcutaneous tissue of the left flank. The patient underwent right hemicolectomy and the hernia was primarily suture repaired but promptly recurred within three months.

Results: An elective laparoscopic repair of the recurrent flank hernia was performed and the prosthetic was anchored laterally to the iliac crest utilizing double suture armed bone anchors. Five days after the hernia repair she underwent laparoscopic drainage and debridement of the Morel-Lavalle lesion. The patient recovered well and was discharged after a seven-day hospitalization.

Conclusion: This video demonstrates the laparoscopic management of a traumatic flank hernia utilizing bone anchor fixation of the prosthetic within the abdomen.