Total Laparoscopic Excision of a Large Ovarian Teratoma

Alexander T. Gibbons, MD, MS; Avraham D. Schlager, MD

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-5906
Year Produced: 2019
Length: 5 min.

Background: Ovarian teratomas, or dermoid cysts, are the most common germ cell tumor, representing 70% of benign ovarian tumors in women of reproductive age. Although studies in the adult population have demonstrated reduced morbidity, pain, cost, and length of stay, adolescent patients requiring surgical intervention have typically been treated via a Pfannenstiel incision. However, laparoscopic variations have been described in the past several years even for large dermoids. This video illustrates one of these laparoscopic approaches, where the ovarian mass was aspirated and morselized in order to allow for laparoscopic resection.

Methods: This patient was a 14-year-old female who presented with abdominal pain, and who was found to have a large ovarian mass on ultrasound and MRI. She was taken to the operating room for a laparoscopic resection of this mass, which was achieved through aspiration and morselization. Results: The patient was able to be discharged on POD 1. Her final pathology showed a mature ovarian teratoma.

Conclusion: In patients with a work-up suggestive of a benign ovarian mass, laparoscopic resection can safely be performed.