Challenging Venus Anatomy of the Uncinate Process During a Whipple: Is the Robotic Platform Making the Dissection Easier?

Valentina Valle, MD; Alberto Mangano, MD; Roberto E. Bustos, MD; Gabriela M. Aguiluz, MD; Eduardo Fernandes, MD, PhD, FRCS; Pier Giulianotti, MD, FACS

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-5980
Year Produced: 2019
Length: 9 min.

82 y.o. female patient admitted to the hospital for jaundice and pruritus. TC scan showed a pancreatic head mass. Prior to surgery, she underwent to endoscopic biliary stent placement.

Past Surgical History: Total thyroidectomy for cancer.

Procedure performed: Robotic Pancreaticoduodenectomy. Overall estimated blood loss: 100 ml. No blood transfusions were necessary. Uneventful post-operatorycourse. Discharge in the 8th POD.

Permanent pathology: well differentiated ductal adenocarcinoma (3.2x2.1x1.7 cm), pT2, pN2. Resection margin: tumor free.