Annular Pancreas in Adult as a Cause of Duodenal Obstruction, Diagnosed by Endoscopic Ultrasound and Surgically Managed Using A Laparobotic Approach. A Case Report

Anusak Yiengpruksawan, MD; Nino Carnevale, MD

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-2497
Year Produced: 2006
Length: 10 min.

Annular pancreas (AP) in adult, although rare, can present as a mass, peptic ulcer or duodenal obstruction. Diagnosis is often difficult and, as a consequence, can delay or result in an inappropriate management. Treatment for AP, if the preoperative diagnosis is correct, is duodenoduodenostomy via laparotomy approach. The authors present a case of AP in a 55 year old man with chronic pyloric channel ulcer diagnosed one year earlier. The ulcer persisted despite aggressive treatment. Gastrin level was normal and all imaging studies were nondiagnostic. The patient presented to the emergency room with abdominal bloating, dyspepsia, and abdominal pain. CT abdomen revealed stricture of the descending duodenum confirmed by barium study. Gastroscopy showed persistent pyloric channel ulcer. The descending duodenum was concentrically narrow but its mucosa appeared normal. The patient underwent an endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) which showed duodenum partially encased by the pancreas. With a presumptive dianosis of AP, the patient was taken to the operating room and underwent duodenoduodenostomy successfully using a da Vinci laparobotic approach. This video shows, for the first time, a minimally invasive management of AP using the latest robotic technology.