Total Pancreatectomy for Diffuse Mucinous Adenocarcinoma of the Pancreas

Domenico Borzomati, R. Coppola, M. Caricato, S. Valeri, F. Rea

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-2188
Year Produced: 2003
Length: 13 min.

Mucinous papillary tumors represent a clinicopathologic entity recognized with increasing frequency. We observed a 59 year old man affected by chronic pancreatitis, jaundice, and 10-fold increase of CA 19-9 with a large pancreatic mass. Partial gastrectomy, cholecystectomy + transduodenal papillostomy and pancreatic-jejuneal anastomosis were previously performed. The patient underwent total pancreatectomy. Perioperative morbidity was absent. Histology showed a diffuse non-invasive papillary mucinous tumor. No adjuvant treatment was required and five months after surgery the patient is alive and free of disease.