Treatment of Cystoadenoma of the Pancreas by Resection with Splenic Artery Reconstruction and Spleen Preservation

E. Moreno Gonzalez, A. Moreno Elola-Olaso, C. Jimeniz Romero, J.C. Meneu Diaz

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-2185
Year Produced: 2002
Length: 20 min.

The treatment of an adenocarcinoma of the pancreas is included in the film. The tumor infiltrated the splenic artery displacing and compressing the splenic vein. The operation performed was a pancreato-splenectomy, dissecting the splenic vein to preserve the spleen resecting the infiltrated segment of the splenic artery and reconstructed by end-to-end anastomosis. The good aspect of the spleen andremanent pancreas is evident. The film includes the medical history and radiological exams.