The Scope of Infant Craniofacial Surgery: Fronto-Orbital Advancement

Mutaz B. Habal

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-1726
Year Produced: 1991
Length: 24 min.

The surgical correction of patients with orbital dystopia is dependent on the age of the patients and the degree of the deformities that are present. In spite of all surgical modalities that are present today, the final outcome is dependent on the approach and fixation system that is used on the involved segments. The patient presented had orbital dystopia noted as an infant. A complex craniofacial procedure was done in which the cascade of all the deformities that she had were corrected by a fronto-facial advancement on the affected side. The dystopic orbit was translocated, the forehead asymmetry was repaired, and the cranial vault deformity was reshaped. The osteotomized segments of the facial skeleton were fixed in semirigid with microplating system.