Laparoscopic Vaginal Reconstruction Using a Sigmoid Colon Segment

Ashutosh Kaul, MBBS, MS, FRCS, FACS; Bilal Chughtai, MD; Thomas Sullivan, BS; Lori Landau, MD; Franco Israel, FACS

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-2476
Year Produced: 2006
Length: 11 min.

We describe laparoscopic construction of a neovagina using the sigmoid colon in a patient with Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome (type II-total vaginal agenesis/unilateral renal agenesis). A 17 year old girl presented with inability to have sex. On evaluation she was found to have vaginal agenesis. Laparoscopic assisted neo vagina was created utilizing sigmoid colon.A 12 cm segment of sigmoid colon was isolated and space created between bladder and rectum to accommodate the neo-vagina. The isolated sigmoid segment was then laparoscopically mobilized to the perineal opening where it was hand sutured to the mucosa of the vaginal vestibule. Technical steps in creation of neo vagina are highlighted in the video and other methods of neo vagina creation are also described. Postoperative stay was 4 days. Cystoscopy and vaginoscopy at 6 weeks showed a 12 cm patent viable neo-vagina. The introitus still calibrated easily with a 22 Hagar dilator at 6 month follow up. This video shows technical steps in laparoscopic assisted neovagina creation utilizing sigmoid colon. Shorter recovery time, decreased abdominal scarring and less narcotic usage are significant advantages of laparocopic technique. Compared with other methods of neovagina creation, total laparoscopic sigmoid replacement is an excellent option.