Giant Post Traumatic Diaphragmatic Hernia after 28 Year Laparoscopic Repair with Mesh

Jeammy Perez Parra, MD

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-6079
Year Produced: 2020
Length: 11 min.

We present a case of 49 Female, admitted to hospital with respiratory distress, chest pain and palpitations for 2 months, which worsens after eating and physical efforts.The patient reports a stab wound 28 years later, in the left thoraco-abdominal transition,
At the time, she was attended to in an emergency department, being medicated for pain, and discharged two days later. The CT Scan, Large left diaphragmatic hernia, with herniation of the stomach, spleen, pancreas, small intestinal loops and colon, causing deviation of the mediastinal structures to the right Surgical Laparoscopic aprouch: Showi how to reduce the abdominal content, important to release the diaphragmatic muscle, and mesh place over a correct defect.