Laparoscopic Repair of Post-Traumatic Diaphragmatic Hernia

Luis F. Zorrilla-Nunez, MD; Hira Ahmad, MD; Ramarao Ganga, MD; Emanuele Lo Menzo, MD, PhD, FACS; Samuel Szomstein, MD, FACS; Raul J. Rosenthal, MD, FACS, FASMBS

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-5573
Year Produced: 2018
Length: 7 min.

METHOD: In this video we present the case of a 63-year-old female who had a motor vehicle accident a year prior to presentation to our clinic. She had multiple orthopedic injuries requiring operative interventions as well as respiratory compromise requiring tracheostomy and feeding tube placement for several weeks. Her main complaint on presentation to our clinic was shortness of breath. She was also unable to lie down due to dyspnea. Her CT scan showed a large traumatic diaphragmatic hernia, with herniation of colon, small bowel and liver in the right chest and significant atelectasis of the right middle and lower lobes. After appropriate preoperative workup, patient was taken to the operating room. RESULTS: A standard 5 trocar approach was used. The right diaphragmatic hernia was reduced. The diaphragmatic defect was repaired primarily using running permanent barbed suture. The patient recovered uneventfully from the repair and was discharged home on post-operative day three. On follow up appointment patient's dyspnea had completely resolved