Laparoscopic Repair of Paracolostomy Hernia

Kalpesh Jani, MS, DNB, FNB

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-2687
Year Produced: 2008
Length: 14 min.

Introduction: Paracolostomy hernia is a not infrequent complication after end colostomy. Laparoscopic repair of this condition is described in this video. We practise sutured closure of the defect with reinforcement by a double layered mesh (Parietex, Sofradim, France).

Methods: The patient was a 60 year old male who had undergone an abdominoperineal resection with end colostomy for cancer of the rectum 10 years ago. Since the surgery, he had been trouble free uptil 2 years ago when he noticed a painless swelling around his colostomy site. On examination, he had a large paracolostomy hernia extending upto the midline. He was fully evaluated, including with a CT Scan and posted for laparoscopic repair of paracolostomy hernia. The technique of surgery is described in the video.

Results: The patient was started orally 8 hours after the surgery and was discharged on the third day post-operatively. After one and a half year of follow-up, he is symptomfree.

Conclusion: Laparoscopic repair of paracolostomy hernia is safe and effective technique to treat this problem.