The Keyhole Umbilicoplasty for Proboscoid Umbilical Hernias

Jason M. Jones, MD; Don Nakayama, MD

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-2639
Year Produced: 2007
Length: 8 min.

The umbilical hernia repair is one of the most common procedures performed by pediatric surgeons. When the hernia defect is associated with redundant, protuberant skin it is referred to as a proboscoid hernia. In addition to the repair of the fascial defect, these proboscoid hernias require excision of the extra tissue and recreation of the umbilicus.

The technique that we have developed involves the removal of excess tissue and the creation of a simple, single-pedicle flap in the shape of a keyhole. This flap is then sutured in a manner that recreates an aesthetically pleasing umbilicus.

This video demonstrates our technique and shows typical results involving a single patient immediately post-operatively and at a two week follow-up appointment.

We have developed a simple, reproducable repair for proboscoid hernias that produces an aesthetically pleasing umbilicus for these patients.