Simultaneous Laparoscopic Gastric Stromal Tumor Resection and Incisional Hernia Repair

Sergio Jose Bardaro, MD; Michel Gagner, MD FACS FRCSC; Kazuki Ueda, MD; Gregory Dakin, MD

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-2414
Year Produced: 2005
Length: 7 min.

Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GIST) are rare entities and may occur simultaneously with a ventral hernia. Since both pathologies need surgical treatment, minimally invasive surgery seems to be the ideal surgical approach to diminish postoperative complications. We present the simultaneous treatment of both pathologies.

We present a 68 year old female with an incisional hernia overlying the iliac crest donor site (2002), and unexplained weight loss, generalized weakness, occasional nausea and vomiting and diarrhea. Physical examination showed reducible incisional hernia and palpable epigastric mass. The CT scan demonstrate a 10 cm in diameter heterogenic mass. Laparoscopic hernia repair and GIST resection were performed successfully. The tumor resection was performed with a linear stapler with a buttressing material. Intraoperative gastroscopy demonstrated intact mucosa. The pathology report showed a GIST of uncertain malignant potential. Ckit + and CD34 +. Surgical margin was free of tumor. The patient tolerated oral intake after 24 hours and was discharged without complications after 48 hours.

Laparoscopic approach to GIST is safe and appropriate. Management of incisional hernia in the dorsal lumbar region is challenging as many require modifying classic surgical approaches based on individual circumstances, in order to avoid damaging adjacent retroperitoneal organs.