Full Robotic Left Sectionectomy Partially Extended to the Fourth Segment for Left Bile Duct Cholangiocarcinoma

Matteo Palmeri, MD

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-6108
Year Produced: 2020
Length: 7 min.

Aims:The da Vinci robotic technology, particularly the Xi system, can improve and simplify challenging minimally invasive abdominal procedures such as major hepatectomies. We present a case of a full robotic left sectionectomy partially extended to the fourth segment, for left bile duct cholangiocarcinoma carried out with the da Vinci Xi system. Methods:A 72 years old woman with a finding of alteration of cholestasis enzymes was referred to our center. A CT scan showed a 7x4 mm contrast enhancement in the left hepatic duct, with a consensual dilatation of left intrahepatic biliary ducts, referring to a left bile duct cholangiocarcinoma. Thus, she underwent a robotic left sectionectomy partially extended to the fourth segment, with the da Vinci Xi platform. The patient was placed in a supine position, with antiTrendelemburg 15° inclination. The trocars were positioned according to the upper quadrants trocars' position suggested by Intuitive. Results:The procedure was successfully completed in 255 min. The hepatic parenchyma transection was performed with bipolar grasps and the left hepatic vein was transected with a robotic vascular stapler. No intraoperative complications occurred. The post-operative course was uneventful and the patient was discharged 5 days after surgery. Conclusion:The da Vinci Xi platform can improve the exposure and the dissection maneuvers during minimally invasive hepatic surgery. The dexterity of robotic manipulation can simplify the dissection of hepatic parenchyma and the 3D magnified vision may help to recognize the structures of hepatic parenchyma and of hepatic hilum.