Right Trisegmentectomy in Embrionary Sarcoma of the Liver

Enrique Moreno Gonzalez, MD, FACS(Hon)

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-5957
Year Produced: 2019
Length: 10 min.

A pregnant lady was diagnosed of a big tumour of the liver extended to all the right lobe and part of Segment IV. Biopsy shows Embrionary Sarcoma. Clinical records and CT were included in the introduction. Caesarean was performed. Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy were used and after, extended right lobectomy performed. The movie explain all the steps of the technique, mobilization of the liver, on-block occlusion of the right portal vein and right hepatic artery (TA 45/3.5). Right part of segment I is included on-block. Oclussion of right hepatic vein (TA 30/2.5) and the specimen exteriorized. Coadjuvant Chemotherapy was done. During the follow-up, recurrence of the disease was diagnosed. The patient was reoperated performing new liver resection of lateral recurrence of segments II and III, with extension to thoraco-abdominal wall and part of the inferior right lung. Thoraco-abdominal wall was repeared with a mesh. Follow-up is included.