Abdominal Wall Defects Following Sepsis and Trauma: Acute Management and Definitive Reconstruction

Timothy C. Fabian, Martin A. Croce, William L. Hickerson

Product Details
Product ID: DG-1773
Year Produced: 1993
Length: 22 min.

Acute full-thickness abdominal wall defects managed with temporary fascial prosthesis occur in patients undergoing: 1) planned re-exploration for sepsis; 2) necrotizing fascial infection; 3) massive edema following resuscitation; and, 4) four-stage plan of management, as follows. Stage 1: temporary fascial prosthesis placed, followed in two-to-three weeks by Stage 2: fascial prosthesis removal followed in two to three days by Stage 3: split thickness skin graft to defect with creation of "planned ventral hernia" followed in six to 12 months by Stage 4: definitive abdominal wall reconstruction. This program demonstrates actual patients and their management in all four stages.