Mirizzi Syndrome Post Cholecystectomy Laparoscopic Challenge

Jeammy Perez Parra, MD, FACS

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-6065
Year Produced: 2020
Length: 10 min.

We present a case of 44-year-old patient with a history of Laparoscopic cholecystectomy a year ago.Submitted to ERCP for jaundice and cholangitis in the postoperative period, Referred to a tertiary hospital for follow-up, - He referred mild abdominal pain, in the epigastrium worsened with food, Denied fever, jaundice our changes in the colour of urine or stools, Denied comorbidities or other surgical procedures.Physical examination: Good general condition, anicteric, Liver function tests were deranged,ERCP: show a Biliary plastic prosthesis in an intrapapillary position, extrinsic obstruction of the common hepatic duct is noted, impacted in the cystic duct compatible with (Mirizzi Syndrome Type I)TC scan: Small dilation of the biliary tract with aerobilia. 1.2 cm stone in the extrahepatic bile duct producing extrinsic compression Laparoscopic treatment was perform with success We show a technical difficulty of laparoscopic surgery, the steps for disseccao and stone extraction.