Laparoscopic Minimally Invasive Ivor Lewis Esophagectomy

Syed Abbas, MD; Ziad T. Awad, MD, FACS; Ruchir Puri, MBBS, FACS; Brian Dalton, MD

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-5966
Year Produced: 2019
Length: 8 min.

At the University of Florida, Jacksonville, an academic, tertiary care facility, we have experience in performing minimally invasive esophagectomy for over a decade with a volume of thirty to forty cases per year. This video aims to show and describe our technique. Patient selection with this surgery depends on the location, histology, and morphology of the tumor. For example, patients with a proximal gastric and distal esophageal tumor are ideal for minimally invasive Ivor Lewis Esophagectomy. The procedure consists of two parts; first, we mobilize stomach and duodenum to assist with creation of a gastric conduit; second, performing the gastroesophageal anastomosis in the right chest. We describe certain technical nuances that we have adopted over the years of performing this procedure that reduced operative time and allow for proper identification of key anatomical structures. We hope that this educational video will allow more centers to utilize technique, paving the way for more robust outcomes data.