Replaced Left Hepatic Artery Preservation during Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy for Cancer

Elisa Sefora Pierobon, MD, PhD; Giovanni Capovilla, MD, PhD; Lucia Moletta, MD; Luca Provenzano, MD; Alberto Ponzoni, MD; Mario Costantini, MD; Stefano Merigliano, MD; Renato Salvador, MD; Michele Valmasoni, MD, PhD

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-5891
Year Produced: 2019
Length: 9 min.

This video shows the preservation of a replaced left hepatic artery during minimally invasive lymphadenectomy for esophageal cancer. The patient is a 75 yr old man with a distal esophageal cancer staged cT2N0M0. Due to stage and comorbidities, we decided to proceed with upfront surgery. Upon initial exploration of the abdominal cavity, the liver presented with diffuse nodular lesions, diagnosed as Von Meyenburg complexes on frozen pathology, and confirmed the presence of a left hepatic artery from the left gastric artery as known from preoperative imaging. Clamping the replaced artery showed an impairment of the liver perfusion thus preservation during lymphadenectomy was deemed necessary.