Robotic Subtotal Gastrectomy for Cancer and Lymph Node Mapping ICG-Fluorescence-Guided

Giuseppe Spinoglio Dr, MD, FACS; Alfredo Mellano Dr, MD

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-5788
Year Produced: 2019
Length: 11 min.

Subtotal gastric resection for T1b or T2 gastric cancer is becoming more and more widespread and it is considered as a possible chance of cure. Robotic surgery and its pros have made surgical step of this intervention easier. Spread of this surgery is huge in Eastern countries (first of all Korea) by mean of standardized techniques those we are inspired by. Commented video presents many steps of surgical technique: tumor identification, choice of surgical margin, distal subtotal gastric resection associated to oncologically safe lymph node dissection, performing of side-to-side antecolic vertical gastro-jejunal anastomosis on greater gastric curve by mean of Woo Jin Hyung technique. Peculiarity of our proposed technique is the association of fluorescence with ICG (endoscopically injected in peritumoral area the day before surgery), used as a tattoo of the tumor and for lymph nodal mapping. As previously used in colonic robotic surgery we strongly believe that such method could lead us to a more precise fluorescence-guided surgery