Robotic Surgery for the Treatment of Splenic Artery Aneurysm with Spleen Preservation and Vascular Reconstruction

Niccolò Furbetta, MD; Matteo Bianchini, MD; Matteo Palmeri, MD; Desirée Gianardi, MD; Gregorio Di Franco, MD; Simone Guadagni, MD; Gianni Stefanini, MD; Franco Mosca, MD, FACS; Giulio Di Candio, MD; Luca Morelli, MD, FACS

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-5558
Year Produced: 2018
Length: 8 min.

The main advantage of the da Vinci surgical System is to allow an easier and faster surgery also in challenging abdominal procedures, such as retroperitoneal and vascular procedures. We are presenting a case of a aneurysmal dilatation of the distal splenic artery treated with the use of the da Vinci Si, with vascular anastomosis and spleen preservation. Methods: A 67-years old man with a finding at CT scan of a distal splenic artery aneurysm was operated with the use of the da Vinci Si surgical system. Patients was placed in a right sided position. Results: The distal splenic artery aneurysmectomy was easily performed, despite the presence of intense adhesions with the tail of the pancreas, taking advantage of the enhanced dexterity of the robotic system. The procedure was successfully completed in 170 min. The vascular end-to-end anastomosis was carried out, with 5/0 interrupted of gore-tex sutures, performing a spleen-preserving procedure. No conversion or intra-operative complications were recorded. The postoperative course was uneventful and an abdominal ultrasound scan showed a normal flow in the splenic artery. The patient was discharged four days after surgery. Conclusions: The da Vinci Surgical System can be safely used in the surgical treatment of a splenic artery aneurysm. The enhanced surgical dexterity offered by robotic assistance allows a fine and accurate vascular dissection and suturing. It helps also in spleen preservation by using a minimally invasive technique.