Hand-Assisted Laparoscopic Extended Right Colectomy

Marc Brozovich, MD; Peter W. Marcello, MD

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-2720
Year Produced: 2008
Length: 10 min.

Introduction: We have edited a video presentation of the technique of hand assisted laparoscopic extended right colectomy. To our knowledge there are few videos demonstrating this technique. Our patient is a 45 year old man, BMI of 37.5kg/m2, with an adenocarcinoma of the hepatic flexure of the colon. The lesion was inked preoperatively.

Methods: We demonstrate tips and tricks for key components of the operation. Included in the technique are patient positioning, port placement, surgeon positioning, and intraoperative ultrasound. Isolation and high ligation of the ileocolic pedicle is described followed by a medial to lateral mobilization of the right colon. Utilization of the hand aids the dissection of the transverse mesocolon and the isolation and high division the middle colic pedicles in an obese patient. Extracorporeal resection and double stapled anastomosis is performed through the hand assist device.

Results: Using minimally invasive techniques, we successfully demonstrated the technique of extended right colectomy including dissection of the transverse mesocolon in an obese patient.

Conclusion: The hand assisted technique facilitates a difficult dissection in obese patients.