Key Concepts and Techniques of Head and Neck Ultrasound for Endocrine Disease

Naveen Ballem, MD; Rikesh Parikh, MD; Mira Milas, MD; Eren Berber, MD; Allan Siperstein, MD

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-2635
Year Produced: 2007
Length: 18 min.

Ultrasound technology has become an invaluable part of the surgeon's armamentarium. It has proven diagnostic and therapeutic benefits for a wide spectrum of disease. It facilitates the identification of various lesions, their location, their characteristics, and provides a means for directed fine needle aspiration biopsies(FNAB). As an internationally recognized center for surgeon-performed head and neck ultrasound for endocrine disease, we have demonstrated that ultrasound can favorably alter management in a significant number of patients.

The aim of this video is to demonstrate key concepts and techniques of head and neck ultrasound in the management of patients with thyroid and parathyroid disease. Didactic steps for identification of pathology are reviewed.

Normal anatomy of the thyroid and parathyroid glands, as well as the lymph node basins of the neck is reviewed. Illustrated examples of pathology include goiter, cancer, cysts, thyroiditis, enlarged and ectopic parathyroid glands, and metastatic lymph node disease. Techniques and indications for ultrasound-guided FNAB are also reviewed.

Ultrasound imaging is readily available,cost effective, and safe. Mastering neck ultrasound techniques can provide essential information used to guide surgical treatment and improve patient care. Ultrasound of the neck is a highly valuable adjunct to surgical practice.