Laparoscopic Gastric Mobilization for Esophagectomy

Gerald C. O'Sullivan, MB, BCh, FACS

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-2313
Year Produced: 2004
Length: 10 min.

We describe the technique of laparoscopic gastric mobilization and tubularization for esophageal substitution. This is combined with a trans-thoracic en-bloc resection of the esophagus for cancer. The vasculature of the tubularized stomach is from the greater curve arcade based on the right gastro-epiploic vessels. Omental and right gastric vessels as well as diaphragmatic attachments are coagulated and divided using the harmonic scalpel. The left gastric artery is isolated clipped and ligated. Excision of the upper and lesser curve gastric lymph nodes and initial tubularization of the stomach is performed laparoscopically using the endoscopic stapling device. After en-bloc resection of the esophagus the mobilized stomach is transposed to the posterior mediastinum and excision of the lesser curvature and tubularization is completed. A tension-free esophago-gastric anastamosis may be performed in the root of the neck or the posterior mediastinum. This technique is applicable to most patients undergoing esophageal substitution for esophageal carcinoma with the advantages of shortened operative time, reduced blood loss and more rapid convalescence.