Maximal Liver Resection in Hepatocellular Carcinoma

E. Moreno Gonzalez, MD, FACS [Hon], A. Moreno Elola-Olaso, MD, I. Garcia Garcia, MD

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-2285
Year Produced: 2003
Length: 12 min.

The case of a patient with severe hepatocellular carcinoma localized on segments VIII, V, IV, II, III and I is shown. The video starts with the clinical record of the patient who suffered from weight loss, anorexia and pain on the right upper quadrant. Morphologic studies are included. No PAAF was made. The operation started through bilateral subcostal incision. Clinical diagnosis was proved and lymphonodal dissection of hepatoduodenal ligament, celiac axis, retropancreatic tissue and retroperitoneum was made. Frozen section of the suspicious glands was made, showing negativity in all of them. Resection of the liver maintaining only segments VI and VII started with the dissection of hepatoduodenal ligament. Ligature and section of the left hepatic artery, portal vein and left hepatic duct was severed, artery and vein of segment IV were ligated and severed. Retrohepatic V. cava was skeletonized. Right suprahepatic vein was dissected. The operation continous with the section of the liver parenchyma and the dissection of the right suprahepatic vein with its branches. Finally the surface of the remanent liver is shown and the normal aspect of the liver surface is shown.