Thoracoscopic Esophageal Cancer Stapling

J. M. R. Soares., J. D. Vas, J. Penedo, L. Cortez, C. A. Pereira

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-2001
Year Produced: 1997
Length: 8 min.

Staging esophageal cancer remains a difficult problem, which frequently only finds it accuracy during operation. Among the reasons to explain this are, for one, the early transparietal invasion to nearby structures as well as the ganglionar involvement. This video proposes the throacosocpic approach in patients determined to be potentially resectable by means of CT and NMR. With this method, it is possible to determine the existence contiguous invasion of the main bronchus and tracheal carina, allowing as well pathological assessment of mediastinal ganglia. The methodology we have been using implies a right thoracosocpy through the fifth IE with a zero degree scope. Through the pleura, the inferior part of the esophagus is dissected free, carefully liberting the inferior pulmonary vein and assessing for nodal involvement. Ascending to the mid esophageal portion, the azygos vein is divided between staples and the esophagus is dissected free from the carina. If the bronchus is found to be free of tumoral invasion, the dissection is carried through the upper thoracic outlet to the neck and conducted as a formal esophagectomy.