Segmental Mastectomy with Immediate Partial Reconstruction

Cheryl A. Ewing, Lawrence Zachary

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-1896
Year Produced: 1995
Length: 10 min.

Women with small breasts diagnosed with T 1 and T 2 breast carcinoma may not be considered candidates for breast conservation (segmental mastectomy), which may result in unacceptable breast deformity. For women with small breasts diagnosed with breast carcinoma, and who are interested breast conservation, they are offered a segmental mastectomy and primary partial reconstruction of the breast defect using a latissimus dorsi flap. This video demonstrates an adequate segmental mastectomy for breast carcinoma with limited partial reconstruction yielding a cosmetically acceptable breast conserved with normal sensation particularly of the nipple-areola complex, for a patient that would have otherwise undergone a mastectomy.