Esophagectomy and Gastric Pull-up

Bruno Walther

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-1813
Year Produced: 1992
Length: 19 min.

We study in a running prospective randomized series two different anastomotic techniques after esophagectomy. The hand-sutured anastomosis in the neck has been used 15 times. The stapled intrathoracic anastomosis, performed in the pleural top, has been used so far 19 times. The hospital stay is 13 days (0-67) in median, the leakage rate 2/34 (one in each group), and the hospital mortality rate 1/34 (intraoperatively). The only differences so far are a wider hand-sutured anastomosis (measured with an endoscope and a balloon catheter every third month), and a faster performed stapled anastomosis (14-28 m.). This video clarifies the two techniques and the technique to construct the gastric tube with a linear stapling device.