The GE Valve A New Look

Lucius D. Hill, Kjell thor, Richard Kozarek, Ralph W. Aye

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-1599
Year Produced: 1990
Length: 16 min.

This video of the anti-flux barrier shows the intact antiflux barrier in the living human being without an endoscope through it for the first time. Also shown are retrograde esophagoscopies for the first time. An esophagoscopy is shown in a patient with a normal barrier, with a normal esophagus in contrast to a retrograde esophagoscopy in a patient who has no barrier with severe reflux esophagitis. The technique of reconstructing the gastroesophageal barrier is demonstrated, illustrating anchoring of the gastroesophageal junction to the preaortic fascia and restoring the gastroesophageal valve. The valve has been overlooked, because of our ability to measure the lower esophageal sphincter pressure. The diaphragm is also closed, which is important, since the diaphragm does contribute to raising the barrier pressure during straining. These observations give us a clear understanding of the gastroesophageal barrier, which will lead to better management of reflux disease.