Training Program for Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery

Gerhard Buess, K. Kipfmuller, M. Naruhn, A. Heintz, R. Ibald, Th. Junginger

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-1595
Year Produced: 1990
Length: 15 min.

The TV endoscopy and the conception of the "assisted" endoscopic operation is of great help in teaching and training surgical endoscopic techniques. The use of training-dummies is a new way in teaching and training manual dexterity and surgical skills in special courses or in surgical skill laboratories. We have developed a system for transanal endoscopic microsurgery. 160 patients were operated on using our technique. As in other microsurgical techniques, our method needs a special introduction and an intensive training period. We present our multi-stage video-supported training course, teaching and handling method. The one-day training session is divided into four steps: 1. Becoming acquainted with the technology. 2. Training on cloth-phantom. 3. Training on opened bowel. 4. Training on closed cow's bowel distended by gas insufflation. Each step is introduced by a short videotape, demonstrating the particular points of the technology in didactical manner.