Transaxillary Total Thyroidectomy by Robot

David Apar

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-6103
Year Produced: 2020
Length: 11 min.

Cervical approach of thyroid gland is still the gold standard of thyroid surgery. However new minimal invasive techniques without neck scar were developed in the last years, like transaxillary total thyroidectomy by Robot. We present a video of a transaxillary total thyroidectomy by Si Da Vinci Robot®, with intraoperative anatomopathological extemporaneous exam. The patient was 38 years old women, followed on an endocrine consultation for Hashimoto thyroiditis, and under levothyroxine. The neck ultrasound revealed a 6cm3 left lobe nodule (EUTIRADS4). Anatomopathological cytology: suspicion for a follicular neoplasm. Was proposed to a left lobectomy by Si Da Vinci Robot, with neuromonitoring and intraoperative anatomopathological extemporaneous exam, that revealed a neoplasm with cells with aggressive features. Decided for a transaxillary total thyroidectomy for the same incision. Surgical time: 85 minutes (extemporaneous exam and decision for a totalization: 10 minutes). The patient was asymptomatic on first operative day, with calcium and PTH normal. She was discharged on second operative day with levothyroxine. Anatomopathological result: thyroid gland: 12grames; papillary carcinoma in an adenoma (pT1bR0); lymphocytic thyroiditis and absence of parathyroid glands. We conclude that is possible to do a total thyroidectomy, without neck scar, by a transaxillary approach, on two steps (a lobe which time), for the same incision, with a good aesthetic result. Intraoperative anatomopathological exam can be, in selective cases and in centres with experience, a good tool for an intraoperative personalise decision of the surgery: thyroidectomy or lobectomy. Neuromonitoring is a useful tool, but should not replace the surgeon view.