Resection of Adrenal Tumor with Thrombosis Through the Vena Cava

Enrique Moreno Gonz´lez, MD, PhD, FACS (Hon); B. Perez-Saborido, MD; A. Manrique-Municio, MD; A. Garcia-Sesma, MD; J. Calvo-Pulido, MD; F. Cambra-Molero, MD; J.M. Cortina, MD; A. De Diego, MD

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-2962
Year Produced: 2009
Length: 18 min.

A very unusual case of retroperitoneal tumours is shown. The disease was growthing into the vena cava producing a large thrombus which ocupate almost 40% of the right atrium.

A patient was diagnosed with a large retroperitoneal tumour growing into the vena cava and right atrium. The operation was make by means of two steps. In the first the trombus was resected through the right atrium, using extracorporeal circulation. In the second step, three weeks later, the tumours was resected through a right subcostal incision.

The postoperative course was unevenful. The patient is in a good fisical conditions without recurrence.

When a retroperitoneal tumour growth into the atrium, this should be resected first. The use of extracorporeal circulation is mandatory.