Supraclavicular Approach to Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Richard J. Sanders

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-1627
Year Produced: 1990
Length: 15 min.

This videotape demonstrates three separate operations for thoracic outlet syndrome from the supraclavicular approach: Case 1. Neurologic thoracic outlet syndrome treated by anterior and middle scalenectomy plus supraclavicular first rib resection. Case 2. Arterial thoracic outlet syndrome with cervical rib treated by cervical and first rib resection with end-to-end arterial anastomosis, all done supraclavicularly; and a brachial thrombectomy through an antecubital incision. Case 3. Venous thoracic outlet syndrome due to anomalous phrenic nerve compressing the subclavian vein treated by claviculectomy, subclavian innominate venous division and reanastomosis, and temporary anterior venous fistula with PTFE.