Band Erosion and Severe Bleeding in a Pregnant Patient

Michael Baptista, MD; Veronica Gorodner, MD; Carlos Galvani, MD; Stanley Horky, MD; Santiago Horgan, MD

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-2351
Year Produced: 2005
Length: 7 min.

The use of the adjustable gastric band for weight loss has become widespread since the device's introduction in 1993. As experience with the Lap band increases, understanding of late complications has also increased. Erosion of the adjustable gastric band is a rare complication; incidence in most studies is between 0 and 1%.

We present gastric band erosion with severe bleeding in a 30 year old patient in her 14th week of pregnancy. The patient presented with complains of weakness, occasional bloody stool, and syncope. Work up revealed hemoglobin of 3.2 g/dl, and upper endoscopy demonstrated a band erosion into the lumen of the stomach.

Patient was taken to the operating room where laparoscopic removal of the gastric band was performed without complications. Fetal heart tone was normal before and after surgery.

Band erosion is a rare complication. Band erosion should be suspected in patients who presents with upper GI bleeding after lapband placement.