Left Lobectomy Extended to Biliary Tract in Caroli's Disease: Reconstruction by Means of Interposed Jejunal Loop

Enrique Moreno-Gonzalez, I. Garcia-Garcia, A. Calle Santiuse, A. Rodriguez Chomorro

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-1960
Year Produced: 1996
Length: 18 min.

Caroli's disease is a very infequent congenital dilatation of the intrahepatic biliary branches. In this case, the location was in the left side and all these branches and external biliary tract were com-pletely full of stones. The operation in this video consists of the left lobectomy associated to complete removal of the gallbladder and common duct. Reconstruction was made by an isolated jejunal loop interposed between the right hepatic duct and duodenum. Illustrations, x-ray examination and a summary of the clinical records are included.