SAGES Pearls: Laparoscopic Right Hemi-Colectomy

Editor: Tonia Young-Fadok, MD, MS, FACS, FASCRS

Product Details
Product ID: MS1112
Year Produced: 2007

Steps of the Procedure

  1. OR Layout & Personnel
  2. Equipment
  3. Port Placement
  4. Exploration
  5. Lateral-to-Medial Mobilization
    1. Mobilization of terminal ileum
    2. Mobilization of ascending colon
    3. Mobilization of hepatic flexure
    4. Intracorporeal division of vascular pedicle
    5. Exteriorization +/- mesenteric/vascular division
    6. Resection and extracorporeal anastomosis
  6. Medial-to-Lateral Mobilization
    1. Intracorporeal division of vascular pedicle
    2. Mobilization of ascending colon
    3. Mobilization of hepatic flexure
    4. Mobilization of terminal ileum
    5. Exteriorization
    6. Resection and extracorporeal anastomosis
  7. Intracorporeal Anastomosis
  8. Final Appearance
Jonathan Efron, MD
Antonio Lacy, MD
Ramesh C. Ramanathan, MD
Anthony Senagore, MC
Steven D. Wexner, MD
Tonia Young-Fadok, MD, MS, FACS, FASCRS