Laparoscopic Giant Prosthetic Reinforcement of the Visceral Sac (GPRVS) for Treatment of Large Scrotal Inguinal Hernia

Bruno L. Hernani, MD; Luciano Tastaldi, MD; Paulo Henrique F. Barros, MD; Iron P. Abreu Neto, MD; Pedro Henrique F. Amaral, MD; Rodrigo A. Silva, MD, PhD; Sergio Roll, MD

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-5580
Year Produced: 2018
Length: 11 min.

Male, 77 years old, referred to hernia clinic due to a primary bilateral inguinal hernia, with left side large and scrotal, irreducible. His major symptom was pain, no obstructive symptons. No previous operations and no comorbidities. We choose a laparoscopic treatment, using a giant prosthetic reinforcement of the visceral sac. Video shows the laparoscopic GPRVS step by step: trocars placement, reducing hernia content, all the dissection steps of the peritoneal flap, a clear view of the structures and triangles where tacking must be avoided, 30 x 15 cm mesh placement and fixation, ending with peritoneal closure. Using GPRVS technique, we fix the mesh bilaterally, seeking to decrease the chance of recurrence mainly in the large hernia on the left side. Patient was discharged on POD 2 with no complications. Currently on 2 months follow-up, with no SSI, SSO or SSOPI.