Robotic Cortical-Sparing Bilateral Adrenalectomy with Indocyanine Green Angiography

John C. Hardaway, MD, PhD; Kun-Tai Hsu, MD; Bradford K. Mitchell, MD, FACS

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-5548
Year Produced: 2018
Length: 11 min.

65-year-old female referred to our endocrine surgery clinic with a diagnosis of MEN2A and manifestations of medullary thyroid cancer, hyperparathyroidism, and biopsy-proven bilateral adrenal pheochromocytomas. Additional workup was pursued, which included MIBG scan to rule out metastatic pheochromocytoma. The patient was started on phenoxybenzamine for alpha-blockade and was salt loaded before she was taken to the operating theater for her procedure. A left cortical-sparing adrenalectomy was performed with use of intraoperative indocyanine green angiography, as well as a complete right adrenalectomy, via a minimally invasive robotic-assisted laparoscopic approach. The patient recovered well post-operatively without event and was discharged to home on POD3. At one year follow up the patient is being maintained on low-dose steroid supplementation. Her endocrinologist is reluctant to terminate supplementation completely but may consider a cessation trial in the near future.