Bassini Landmark Procedure for the Radical Cure of Inguinal Hernia

Enrico Nicolo, MD

Product Details
Product ID: HER102
Year Produced: 2009
Pages: 76
Dimensions: 12x9.5 in
ISBN: 978-0-9788890-9-8

Designed as an atlas, this book is a fully illustrated, step-by-step guide to the Bassini operation for the radical cure of inguinal hernia. The author, Dr. Enrico Nicolo has been studying the Bassini method for many years and has adopted the procedure in his own practice.

Dr. Nicolo believes that each step contains a surgical stratagem, and that all of the stratagems together, when understood and internalized, form a complete guide to the perfect execution of the whole operation. This Atlas intends to clarify the details of the overall teaching of Bassini that historically have been overlooked or misinterpreted.

Includes 53 full color illustrations

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