New Operative Method for the Cure of Inguinal Hernia

Edoardo Bassini, MD

Product Details
Product ID: HER101
Year Produced: 2008
Pages: 113
Dimensions: 6x9.5 in
ISBN: 978-0-9788890-2-9

Bassini's operative technique for the repair of inguinal hernias was introduced in the late 1800s and took root as the gold standard due to the low incidence of recurrence and mortality, as well as infection. The pearls of this technique were "lost" in time, however the procedure and its successful outcomes still hold significance in the modern surgical world. For the first time ever, this important historical reference has been translated from Italian to English and great care has been taken to reproduce the original monograph with authenticity, including impeccable reproduction of the four original drawings used by Dr. Bassini to illustrate the procedure. The text also includes the case histories of over 260 hernia patients treated by Dr. Bassini.

Includes all 4 original illustrations

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