Cesarean Birth: Perioperative Care

Product Details
Product ID: 1981
Year Produced: 2016
Length: 51 min.
Contact Us: 1-800-253-7657

The goal of this independent study program is to provide the obstetric registered nurse (RN) with an overview of important perioperative concepts specific to the care of pregnant women undergoing surgical births.

Upon completion of this activity, the participant should be able to:

  • Identify perioperative care considerations that are important throughout the cesarean birth experience
  • Describe concepts relating to patient safety; perioperative assessment; patient positioning; aseptic technique; scrubbing, gowning, gloving, and draping procedures; preoperative skin antisepsis; safe use of surgical energy; prevention of retained surgical items; wound classification and wound healing; and perioperative complications
  • Distinguish aspects of caring for a patient who has undergone a cesarean delivery that are unique to this surgical procedure