Hemodynamic Monitoring in the ICU

Product Details
Product ID: CCN05
Year Produced: 2008
Length: 57 min.

ICU nurses usually assume the responsibility for monitoring hemodynamic changes and initiating required therapies or medical interventions. In this context, the importance of the ICU nurse in delivering care cannot be overstated.

This course covers the key elements and processes of hemodynamics and hemodynamic monitoring. These include cardiovascular circulation and crucial indicators of cardiac health or illness. Such indicators of cardiac health or illness are based on hemodynamic monitoring. This course will also detail the procedures required for effective hemodynamic monitoring, including equipment, equipment setup, and equipment use. The accompanying video reviews equipment setup and monitoring skills.

Learner guide and post-test included on accompanying CD (PDF)


  • Setting up your system
  • Pulmonary artery catheter setup
  • Nursing role at the bedside
  • Patient documentation